Internet Standards Almanac


QUIC focuses on the maintenance and evolution of the encrypted transport protocol QUIC, supporting its implementation and developing possible extensions to it. Created initially by Google and growing in usage, QUIC is designed to combine cryptographic protections with transport protocols, folding security and transport into the same mechanism. Despite this robustness, the deployment model for QUIC is structured so that, in the case of failure, systems that prefer to use QUIC will revert to TLS-over-TCP. This means that a malicious network operator that objects to QUIC – and its ability to hide metadata – can simply block it, so clients will default to less secure protocols.

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Adaptive DNS Discovery representation

Deterministic networking representation

DNS Privacy Exchange representation

Domain Name System Operations representation

Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME representation

Messaging Layer Security representation

Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption representation

Network Virtualization Overlays representation

Oblivious HTTP Application Intermediation representation

Path Computation Element representation

Privacy Pass representation

Privacy Preserving Measurement representation

Real-Time Communication in WEB-browsers representation

Transport Layer Security representation