Internet Standards Almanac
Joint Technical Committee on Information Technology, Subcommittee on Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Protection | JTC 1/SC 27
Under JTC1, convened jointly by ISO and IEC, this subcommittee develops standards, technical reports, and specifications to mitigate cyber-risks and attacks, online fraud, information and identity theft, and data breaches. Online information systems need to be secure and resilient to prevent leakage of people’s sensitive and personally identifiable information. The subcommittee develops general methods, management system requirements, techniques, and guidelines to address information security, cybersecurity, and privacy.
- Published standard: ISO/IEC 18033-1 specifies uses and properties of encryption systems.
- Working group: Joint Technical Committee on Information Technology, Subcommittee on Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Protection | JTC 1/SC 27